Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Game changer

          A terrible week had descended upon me like a thick black cloud of impending doom. I silently boiled inside with wave after wave of continuous drama. In times like that, I often reach out to close friends to vent my frustrations with the imperfections of the world. I do not have many, but the friends that I have retained understand just what I need to shake off the stench of a foul mood.

         It took about as much convincing as coaxing a bee to the flower of a honeysuckle, before I realized that I needed to warm my face in the sun. It was time to feel that fly line glide through my fingers, and listen to my drag scream like a couple of angry tomcats brawling over scraps in an alley. The solution to all that is bad, is the invitation to a day on the water with a good friend....and a mess of hungry trout, on a forever nameless river.

         Way to change the game my brother....way to change the game.