Friday, May 13, 2011


Dani and I made our way down to Rio Americana to get our fix of hard pulling silver. An addict like me is quite enamored with the fact that the river is nearly right in my back yard. The word has gotten out and the masses have arrived in droves, making fly fishing the prime slots nearly impossible, but soon the fish will arrive by the ton, and distribute themselves throughout the system making it possible to catch them on the swing with regularity.

We also had the pleasure of witnessing an unsanctioned, amateur MMA fight...over fish lol.

Some days you're the dog......

Some days you're the fire hydrant.

Friday, May 6, 2011


I embarked upon my final excursion to the Great Mother Pyramid this year. The fishing is reaching its apex, and hundreds of fish can be spotted on the flats conducting their annual ritual of love. Large Pelicans are milling around close to shore awaiting a feast, a good indicator as to where the fly angler should choose to fish. Bluebird skies can be challenging during the high sun, but the dawn and evening hours release her bounty. Days with some wind and chop on the water can and will deliver you Richter scale fishing of legendary proportions. Stopping by Fly Fishing Specialties on your way up the hill for some Watermelon Assassins is a sure bet for success on the strip. Do not wait too much longer to enjoy the big and hard pulling excitement of the majestic Lahontan Trout.

Its the American, Carson, and Truckee Rivers for me now...stay tuned.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Silver bullets

The icy breath of winter has finally departed. Spring is upon us, and the world seems to be awakening from its slumber. The cottonwoods are drifting gently down upon the cool green river, the universal signal which the seasoned angler understands. It is time to hit the vice and tie some shad flies, dust off the seven weight, and wade thankfully into the chilled American River on a blistering hot evening to enjoy the non stop hard pulling action of the magnificent American Shad.