Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Pyramid Lake (The great Mother)
A couple of years back I discovered the mystical Pyramid Lake, a high alkali body of water nestled in the high desert of Nevada beyond Sparks. Bar none, this lake is absolutely one of my favorite fly fisheries in existence. The land of big trout, taking big flies. This lake is not for the timid, we fish the lake ledges perched atop ladders here in water that dips into the forties. The outside temperatures commonly reach the low teens, and ice in the guides of your fly rod is a consistent battle. Pyramid lake seems to generate her own weather pattern, it can go from flat calm to four foot rollers in the blink of an eye. Often the winds come in so hard that the sand blows parallel to the ground. There are drawbacks to angling here, but trust me when I tell you that the sheer misery of the weather and cold can be offset by catching the trout of a lifetime. My hat is off to the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe for their consistent dedication to the preservation of this fishery. Without them the Lahontan Cutthroat would surely go extinct.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Angling is a sport of generations. It is handed down from Father to Son, from friend to friend, and delivered as wisdom from a mentor. It is the thing that reconnects us with nature, and reminds us exactly where we came from. For some it is for primal sustenance, and for others it is an art form. Some choose to be exclusive in their execution of this sport, and others strive to be well rounded within each and every aspect. Upon exploring this endeavor we find that it is far more detailed than simply soaking a worm underneath a bobber, or letting a salmon egg hang in the current seam.....but the advanced knowledge comes from evolution. It comes after the kindling has been built and the fire is set in a young mind. It gives me the greatest of joy to bestow what I have learned upon the youth. Even greater is the satisfaction that through angling you may have actually changed a path to the direction of productivity and a life of purity and moral compass.

Friday, September 3, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Over the years I have been a part of many fishing forums both public and private. At one time I was on the board of directors at Full Speed Fishing, I then went on to become the founder and president of Outcastanglers, a private members only fishing club. I am a driven, passionate person with a can do, get it done attitude, and when I set my mind to something I achieve it and then some. As a result, I tend to rise above the crowd and work my way to the apex quickly. Its funny, but people both admire and hate my intensity all at the same time. I find that when you are sitting on top everyone wants to drag you down. They want what you have, what you are, what you have created and pooled your resources and contacts to build. But they do not want to work for it, they want to be grandfathered in, they want you to create great things and then seize the moment when they can assume control and reap the benefits of your drive and passion. I am an angler, an intense and focused individual who is not content with getting shit faced drunk staring at a rod tip *waiting* for a fish to *maybe* happen. I am not the hack who is content with a horrible cast that *accidentally* yields a fish. I strive for perfection...for excellence, and thats the way it will always be. I created this blog for me, by me. It can never be edited for content, and my words and creations are mine and can never be stolen. You can read if you wish, and ignore if you wish, but either way....I will take full credit for my own hard work from this day forward.
I recently had the honor of attending a much anticipated trip aboard the magnificent F/V Pacific Voyager for hard pulling tuna. I managed to win the jackpot with a 36 pound albie on 20 pound test and a super light Loomis. It took me over an hour to land. For the rest of my days I will remember this excursion and be forever grateful to the stand up individual who made this magnificent memory possible. Tom, you have it brother, you are the real deal, and I swear we will read about your achievements one day in a book that matters. The crew of the Pacific Voyager is as good as it gets, and the captain is as passionate as I have ever seen. We ended up with a count of around 107, a mix of blue fin, yellow fin, and my winning albie. I would go again right now given the chance. I cannot wait until next year.
Thanks again Tom for a most epic experience, thanks to Seth for being a steadfast friend for YEARS...you have always accepted me for me. And for you jealous haters who were pissed that I won the jackpot...karmic retribution works in mysterious ways....and sometimes that retribution comes in the form of being a WINNER.
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